We’re here to answer any and all questions. Look for details below, or book a complimentary consultation to discuss a treatment with one of our certified Medi-Beauty experts.


Should I expect downtime after an IPL treatment?
After your treatment, brown spots or discolorations will appear darker, and your skin will look slightly pink. The darkened spots will flake off and/or fade, and the redness will decrease. Note: The team at Gee Beauty will work together to have you looking gorgeous before you step out the door.

Is IPL painful?
No. You may feel a slight, momentary stinging sensation but not pain. To make the treatment more comfortable – and to reduce inflammation – your Gee Beauty medical therapist will use a hand-piece that has a built-in cooling tip (-8 Celsius).

Is IPL safe?
Yes. Each treatment is non-invasive and requires no anesthesia.

How many treatments do I need for optimal results?
While it depends on the individual, it generally takes 6 sessions (book each one 2 to 4 weeks apart).

What if I’m pregnant or breast-feeding?
Our team can customize an alternative treatment program to achieve your desired results. Please feel free to book a complimentary consultation.

How long will results last?
Results will depend on the individual, which we’ll discuss in your consultation, as well as during and post treatment.

Will sun exposure affect my skin post-treatment?
We recommend using vitamin C and SPF 30 (or higher!) to decrease sun exposure. If your skin is tanned, treatments may be prolonged 3-4 weeks until your tan fades.

What other Gee Beauty treatments will complement IPL?
Our Medi-Multi facial is the perfect complement to IPL, as is skin tightening combined with IPL. The Gee Beauty Medi team are true experts at the art of stacking treatments so that you can truly have the best results. We’re always happy to provide recommendations based on your skin.


Do I need Micro?
Microdermabrasion is a great treatment for people with dull or sallow skin, mild acne, acne discoloration, pick marks and very superficial scars. Our diamond Microdermabrasion is also a great deep cleaning treatment for those who like to have a gentle exfoliation to brighten and boost the skin with no down-time.

How often can microdermabrasion be preformed?
Since human skin typically regenerates at approximately 30 day intervals, improvement with microdermabrasion is gradual and should be repeated on average every 2-6 weeks apart. Multiple treatments 6-12 sessions are highly recommended to see significant improvement in the skin. Deeper acne scars may require more treatments.

Glycolic Peels

Do I need a glycolic peel?
Glycolic peels are a great way to exfoliate the skin on a deeper level. Glycolic peels vary in accordance to the percentage of the peel, the higher the percent the stronger the peel. Glycolic peels tend to be on the lighter side of peels and are great for brightening up the skin as well as tightening the pores and great for fine lines. Mild peeling can be expected 2-3 days following the peel for those with sensitive skin if skin is not conditioned properly with the correct products.

Chemical Peels

Is a chemical peel for me?
There are many types of chemical peels, from the mild to the aggressive. A Gee Beauty medical therapist will happily assess your skin and recommend the best peel for your skin type to achieve optimal results.

How frequently can I book microdermabrasion?
We recommend every 4-6 weeks. Your skin takes 28-30 days (on average) to turn over and shed dead skin cells.

What’s the difference between a chemical peel and microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is a mechanical form of exfoliation, which exfoliates the top layer of the skin. A chemical peel is a liquid form of exfoliation, and penetrates the epidermal layer of skin (so it exfoliates from the inside out). If your skin is feeling dry or dull, book a complimentary consultation and one of our medical therapists can recommend the treatment that best suits your needs.

Why would I choose Gee Beauty for microdermabrasion?
We understand your skin and want to help you achieve your goals. Our multi-step micro-management treatment includes a deep cleanse, microdermabrasion, moisturizing and oxygen to leave your skin dewy and bright. You’ll step out of Gee Beauty feeling smoother, brighter, and gorgeous.

Blue Light Therapy

What is Blue Light Therapy?
Blue Light Therapy works to kill the bacteria that causes acne. During the procedure, the skin is exposed to a narrow band high-intensity blue light source which kills the bacteria – while it can also treat inflamed acne that hasn’t responded to other therapies.

Who should try Blue Light Therapy?
Any adult or teen (post-puberty). Note: This treatment will help control acne but will not cure it.

What are some benefits of Blue Light Therapy?
• You can expect to see results quickly
• It’s safe for both teens (post-puberty) and adults
• No heavy acne drugs or medications are needed
• It’s safe, non-invasive and requires zero downtime

Radio Frequency Body Tightening

How do Radio Frequency treatments work?
Radio Frequency Body Treatments use water within the body to transmit energy, which works to rupture localized fat cells by raising the temperature of the skin’s tissue in designated skin layers. The fat is absorbed by the lymphatic system and then flushed out. When combined with infrared light it is used to tighten the tissue and renew the surrounding collagen, resulting in tighter firmer looking skin.

How many treatments will I need?
Approximately 8-12 weekly treatments for optimum results and subsequent maintenance treatments.

Is it painful?
No. The treatment feels very warm like a warm massage; however, depending on the area a slight hot sensation is normal.

What kind of results can I expect?
While results depend on a person’s lifestyle, with good eating habits and exercise, 70% of clients notice a tighter firmer reduction.

Who is a good candidate?
A person with some loose lax skin that is healthy and just has that stubborn area of fat. This treatment is not recommended for those of a larger size. This treatment is not meant to be a weight-loss solution but rather an added treatment to your healthy lifestyle.

Skin Tightening

What is it?
Skin Tightening is the process in which infrared light is applied into the deep layers of the skin. Our SharpLight Technologies have a cooling component that cools the top layers of the skin to protect the epidermis from damage. The infrared light is sent through the protected top layers of the skin into the deeper layers causing the tightening of the collagen architecture.

How long does one procedure take?
The procedure takes between 45 and 60 minutes.

What kind of results can I expect?
Everyone’s skin is different, and it is dependent on age, laxity and the condition of the skin. However, realistic results are tightening of the jawline, neck, and lower face areas. The treatment works on loose lax skin but we always advise that once you do begin to experience a loss of elasticity with your skin that you have a consultation with one of our Medi-Beauty therapists. Your results will last longer when you are proactive.

How many treatments are recommended?
Skin tightening, hair removal, and skin rejuvenation treatments are all recommended in packages of 6 treatments. Skin tightening is done 2-3 weeks apart. However, once you complete 6 treatments, we recommend you continue but space them out in longer increments (the skin never stops aging so you never want to stop completely!).

What are the top benefits of skin tightening?
• No downtime, so you can resume normal activity
• Non-invasive (this treatment will not break the skin)
• Working with your own natural collagen leads to natural results. You will never look "overdone." You will look well rested and the risk of infection is slim to none.

Your skin is your canvas, so why not make your canvas look the best that it can be with Gee Beauty Medi-Beauty.